Prokkelweek – International meeting
Prokkelweek ook in andere landen?
Regelmatig vragen mensen uit Duitsland, België en Engeland hoe de Prokkelweek werkt. Waarom die er is, wie er meedoen, hoe het werkt en wat de effecten ervan zijn. Reden om een bijeenkomst te organiseren voor belangstellenden uit het buitenland. Ken je mensen die interesse hebben, stuur dan onderstaande uitnodiging naar ze door. Aanmelden kan door een mail te sturen naar
We are happy to invite you for a meeting – in English – about the Prokkelweek.
What it is, what it aims, what the effect of it is, how people with intellectual disabilities participate and “use” the week are subjects we are going to discuss.
The open format of the Prokkelweek is the strength of the concept. It is the week of the participants themselves, the foundation (stichting Prokkel) only provides tools and contacts and facilitates networking.
This meeting will be
Wednesday 26th of September
13.00 – 17.30 hours
Catharijnesingel 47
Utrecht (within 5 minutes walk of Utrecht Central Station)
Prokkels are “exciting encounters” between people with and without intellectual disabilities. Aimed at challenging negative stereotypes about those with intellectual disabilities and their capabilities.
“Prokkelweek” takes place annually during the first week of June. Initially beginning as a two days event with a few towns participating in 2008, the event now spans to a week full of activities with over 400 participating places throughout the Netherlands.
Local communities, workplaces, schools, care homes, municipalities and other settings are encouraged to host and organize Prokkel events; with activities varying from arts and crafts workshops, community lunches, sporting activities to music concerts and workshops with different ministries and municipalities about the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. All activities are collaborative between persons with an intellectual disability and those without.
The aim of the week is to demonstrate to those in the local communities the capabilities and the various skills those with intellectual disabilities possess.
Not only does this week act as a forum to raise awareness of intellectual disability, it also has fostered more positive interactions with people with intellectual disabilities and members of their local communities throughout the various collaborative activities. And it helps to implement the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.